The Small Group or House Fellowship is the lifeline of our family. This is the one-another group.
In prison, one of the harshest forms of punishment is “solitary confinement”. Cutting people off from relationships is painful. Yet every weekend, large churches are filled with people in a kind of solitary confinement.
One of the reasons many Christians experience little spiritual growth and live defeated lives is because they are trying to live the Christian life in isolation. God never intended anyone to live the Christian life alone. We must live meaningful Christian lives and experience true community. The Small group provides that opportunity. Your biological family/association/work must not hinder you from embracing this authentic community.
So Why Small Group?
1 Every Christian Need a Spiritual Family:
You need a place where you can know others and be known by others. A place where you can be guided and prayed for; share your struggles and be cared for. This is your new family in Christ Jesus and heaven is our goal.
2 Every Christian Need a Laboratory for Life Experiences:
There are fifty places in the Bible where “One Another” is commanded; love one another; forgive one another; help one another; bear the burdens of one another; pray for one another; forsake not the gathering of one another; esteem one another,…etc. The small group provides the forum for believers to operate and experience that.
3 Every Christian is a Minister:
The small group provides avenue for you to grow spiritually, and to develop your SHAPE; your spiritual gifts and talents through service.
4 Every Christian is Commanded to bear fruit:
The Purpose Driven Small Group affords you the opportunity to be fruitful in living a significant Christian life, by affecting other people’s life positively for Christ. You live a transparent and transformed life; and you help others to do the same by
(a) witnessing to them
(b) inviting them to your group
(c) demonstrating the new life in Christ before them
Format: This is a fun, lively and life-enriching small group. It is a discussion format, led by a facilitator. The facilitator can be the host, or anyone in the group. Discussion series may center on the Bible, a book, or any interesting focus. Furthermore, each group enjoy life together outside the regular Life Group meeting.
To join a Small Group center near you or for more information, please sign up here.